
Avoid Unwanted Litigation with a Top-Quality AI Empowered Accessibility Overlay

Web accessibility is the basic right of everyone who uses the Internet. Many businesses fail to realize the importance of keeping their websites fully compliant with ADA and WCAG 2.1 guidelines for web accessibility for everyone, including users with disabilities. As a result of the above, they fall prey to unwanted litigation and hefty fines. As a business owner, you have both the digital and the legal responsibility to ensure your site is accessible to every user in the market without hassles.

Give your business a competitive edge with an AI-infused accessibility overlay

Before going into the features and benefits of an accessibility overlay for businesses, it is important to first understand the question – why do business owners overlook the importance of making their websites accessible?

In the past, the task of keeping sites accessible was an expensive affair. Businesses have to deploy manual techniques for checking their site for accessibility issues. This process entailed the company hiring skilled web developers for the task. Every line of the content had to be checked and worked down on the issues of the site. Now, with new content frequently flowing in, the task of maintaining the website is time-consuming and costly.

Challenges faced

Large business owners had bigger sites, and they ended up spending thousands of dollars on this task alone. The ordeal for small business owners with limited funds and manpower was the same. Many small business owners attempted to sort out their accessibility problems alone. However, the domain of web accessibility is a highly complex zone, and one mistake costs their business dearly.

Get fully compliant

This is where an overlay tool helps them. There are several accessibility overlays available in the market; however, a tool with advanced technologies like artificial intelligence can effectively take care of compliance and accessibility problems automatically. The tool just needs to be installed on the web browser, and it will silently scan the site and make the adjustments needed. Moreover, the biggest advantage of accessibility overlays is they do not tamper with the underlying source code of your site. They just take a small snippet of the JavaScript to do their work and ensure your site is accessible to every user without hassles at all!

Bid adieu to litigation

When you are assured that your business is ADA and WCAG compliant, you can focus on your business better and keep lawsuits at bay. When it comes to testing as to whether your website is compliant or not, you can choose an accessibility overlay that gives you the scope to evaluate your site domain. In this way, you can assess the areas that need to be addressed and allow the overlay to do it for you automatically.

Therefore, if you are a digitally responsible business, it is important for you to understand the importance of a fully compliant and accessible website for your reputation and goodwill in the market. With the help of a good overlay tool, you can not only attract users with disabilities to your site but also boost the sales opportunities of your products and services with them too!

