Articles Web hosting

Stay Focused with Best Dedicated Hosting

What is dedicated hosting?

Is this the right solution for your business?

To see if this type of hosting plan will work for your company’s operations, you need to review best dedicated server hosting practices and benefits.

Let’s define dedicated hosting first. Dedicated hosting is another name for managed hosting and involves leasing a server that is not shared so your business can function at an optimal level operationally.

Reasons for Choosing a Dedicated Hosting Plan

You may need to use a dedicated server in the following instances:

  • You are expanding your website and the site needs to be able to support increased traffic.
  • You are concerned about website security.
  • You want your loading times to be fast.

By using a dedicated server, you can answer any of the above-listed concerns.

Therefore, dedicated hosting basically means that your Internet site is not shared, which gives it greater flexibility and power. However, this type of add-on is more expensive, although it often is worth the extra cost. That is because a dedicated servers supports better navigability and increased traffic to a growing site.

Many companies may start out by opting for a shared hosting plan, but soon find out they have exceeded the plan’s limits. If this happens, they may elect to upgrade to a VPS (virtual private server) or a dedicated server to scale for growth.

What Is a VPS?

A VPS, in basic terms, is a server that operates inside a server. In this case, one physical server hosts several virtual servers that are isolated from one another.

This hosting option is normally lower cost-wise than dedicated hosting and provides more dependability and security than using a shared hosting environment. Therefore, a VPS falls between using a shared hosting arrangement and opting for a dedicated hosting choice.

So, how much will a dedicated server hosting solution cost your company?

Figuring the Cost for Using a Dedicated Server

To answer that question, you need to calculate the following:

  • The amount of computing power you need;
  • The amount of bandwidth you will require; and
  • The amount of storage backup and security you will need.

Once you determine what you will need in terms of power, bandwidth, and storage, you can get a better idea about cost and make a more informed decision.

Review the SLAs

To support your decision, you should review the service level agreements (SLAs) offered by the host provider. In other words, what guarantees are abest dedicated server hosting company making to you in exchange for the service?

SLAs may include service promises related to –

  • Response times
  • Hardware replacement
  • Uptime,
  • Deployment times.

If you wish to stay competitive in the field of e-commerce, what you choose as a dedicated hosting provider can make or break you. Make sure you have all the facts first before proceeding with a hosting plan and company.

